& Activities

Top Mediterranean adventures are in Corsica

Give meaning to your holidays.

Accédez aux meilleures activités en Corse grâce à Gloma Agency
activité bien-être en Corse avec Gloma Agency
Meilleures adresses de restauration en Corse GLOMA AGENCY
Accédez aux meilleures activités en Corse grâce à Gloma Agency
activité bien-être en Corse avec Gloma Agency
Dive, walk, and taste !

Unusual & original: the best activities in Corsica

Land of experiences, you will find a plethora of activities in Corsica that will enhance your holidays in sometimes quite original ways. Whether indulging in thrilling water activities, embarking on sports adventures, or savoring the delights of the table, Corsica, with its richness, invites you to journey. A new territory, new sparkling experiences in the sun. With GLOMA AGENCY as your guide, you will grasp how life is made up of moments of emotion and how experiences turn into golden memories.

On land or at sea, Corsica has so much to offer that it will enchant you from its heights to its depths. A privileged playground where you will be the fortunate protagonist of the story we will write with you.

Location bateau avec skipper en Corse | Gloma Agency
Expérience gastronomique en Corse avec Gloma Agency
Excursion en voilier en Corse | Gloma Agency
Location bateau avec skipper en Corse | Gloma Agency
Expérience gastronomique en Corse avec Gloma Agency
Excursion en voilier en Corse | Gloma Agency
Location bateau avec skipper en Corse | Gloma Agency
The sea

Water activities in Corsica

The sea, the undisputed realm of activities in Corsica, opens the doors to its temple for you. Sailing or diving in Corsica is equivalent to fully immersing yourself in a world of wonder. The translucent waters of the island invite you to encounter a marine life brimming with vitality. From renting sailboats to diving in exceptional sites, every moment spent on or under the water becomes an adventure of every moment. Thus, the relief of the rugged coastlines at sunset and the translucent seabed await only you to reveal all their hidden treasures.

Activité nautique en Corse
Des activités nautiques insolites en Corse grâce à Gloma Agency
Explorez les golfes de l'île grâce à des activités nautiques en Corse

Sports activities in Corsica

With its mountainous terrain, wild nature, and mild weather, the island provides an ideal playground for outdoor sports enthusiasts and activities in Corsica. From the historic trails of the muleteers to the challenging paths of the famous GR20, hikers will navigate through a succession of breathtaking panoramas. Rivers invite rafting, and cliffs invite climbing. Not to mention tennis courts, golf courses, and mountain biking trails that will delight athletes of all levels.

Des balades à vélo en Corse
Des randonnées fabuleuses en Corse grâce à Gloma Agency

Gastronomy and Corsican Wines

A true journey of the senses, Corsican gastronomy enjoys a well-deserved reputation. The cured meats, cheeses, honeys, and other local delights showcase a craftsmanship passed down from generation to generation. And what about Corsican wines? Between endemic grape varieties and ancestral winemaking techniques, each glass is an ode to passion and tradition. Let GLOMA AGENCY guide you for a delightful tasting, in the heart of the vineyards and authentic tables of the island, for one of the most flavorful activities in Corsica.


Chef à domicile en Corse | Gloma Agency
La conciergerie vous propose des expériences gastronomiques en Corse | Gloma Agency
La conciergerie vous propose les meilleurs produits locaux en Corse
Stories and Adventures

Learning, sharing, living in Corsica

The history of Corsica is a fascinating epic of resilience, cultural fusion, and the struggle for independence. The island has been shaped by a succession of civilizations, each leaving its mark on Corsican identity. The earliest traces of Corsican history date back to prehistoric times, as evidenced by the enigmatic stone statues at the Filitosa site. Later, the island was inhabited by the Phoenicians, Greeks, and Romans, who established trade routes and left archaeological remains. In the Middle Ages, Corsica became a contested prize among regional powers. The Genoese took control in the 13th century, dominating the island for over four centuries. Genoa's influence is still visible in the architecture, fortifications, and urban planning of the island. Corsica's quest for autonomy is a recurring theme. In the 18th century, Pasquale Paoli led the Corsican Republic, establishing a constitution and asserting Corsican sovereignty. However, this independence was short-lived, as France and later Britain vied for control of the island. Napoleon Bonaparte, Corsica's most famous native, was born in Ajaccio in 1769. His rise to power had a profound impact on world history, anchoring Corsica in the annals of global politics. The island's rugged terrain and strategic location in the Mediterranean played a crucial role in its history. Fortresses, citadels, and Genoese towers were strategically positioned to control access to the island, creating breathtaking architectural wonders. Corsica's cultural heritage is a vibrant mix of Mediterranean, Italian, and French influences. The Corsican language, Corsu, reflects this diversity. Traditional music, especially polyphonic singing, and colorful festivals provide a window into the lively cultural scene of the island. Today, Corsicans remain fiercely proud of their identity. Despite centuries of foreign domination, they have preserved their traditions, language, and a strong sense of community. The picturesque landscapes of the island, from the mountains to pristine beaches, serve as a backdrop to this enduring Corsican spirit.


The heritage of Corsica is not merely a collection of facts and dates, but a living testament to the island's character. It invites exploration, offering a deeper understanding of how Corsica's past has shaped its unique and captivating present.

Découvrir l'Histoire de Corse avec GLOMA AGENCY
Découvrez la riche histoire de Corse avec GLOMA AGENCY
Visiter la Corse et son histoire avec GLOMA AGENCY
Découvrir l'Histoire de Corse avec GLOMA AGENCY
Découvrez la riche histoire de Corse avec GLOMA AGENCY
Visiter la Corse et son histoire avec GLOMA AGENCY
Découvrir l'Histoire de Corse avec GLOMA AGENCY